[Get Key]

If you buy one key for your account, and want to share the account with more people or invite someone to check/edit the files, then:

When User A is editing a file with the key, User B (or Invitee B) can log in this account meanwhile but only read the file;

If User B (or Invitee B) want to get the key to edit the file, he needs to ask User A to release the key so that User B can click [Get Key]. The Read Only status changes into Editable status.


[Release Key]

[Release Key] is relative to [Get Key]. Because the number of key is limited, other people get the key to edit the file after releasing the key by the user who is using the key.


[Read Digitizer...]

This function is the same as [Open Digitizer] in Pad System. For more information, please refer to the corresponding section of Pad System File introdution


Merge a new file into the current opening file. Or replace the current file with the new opening file.


Save the modification of the file.

[Summary Info]

This function is the same as [Summary Info] in Pad System. For more information, please refer to the corresponding section of Pad System File introdution


This function is the same as [Print...] in Pad System. For more information, please refer to the corresponding section of Pad System File introdution


This function is the same as [Plot...] in Pad System. For more information, please refer to the corresponding section of Pad System File introdution.



How to import DXF file in Pad Share:

Click the Upload button in the web page:

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How to export DXF file in Pad Share:

Click the Download button in the web page:

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Close this application and all the open files.

The application will close directly if no modification is made.

If there is any modification unsaved, a warning dialog box appears:


Save: Save the modification and close the window.

Discard: Give up saving the modification and close the window.

Cancle: Go back to the window, do not close the window.