
  1. Draw two rectangles with length values of front hip, back hip and pants.

    Select tool-rectangle, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click desired area, enter value in the dialog box.


  2. Draw a parallel line (crotch line) 24cm from the waist line.

    Select waist line, choose parallel_line, click inside the rectangle, enter value 24 cm.


    Select tool-segment, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, draw segments from A point and B point.


  3. Draw a parallel line (hip line) 20cm from the waist line.

    Select waist line, choose parallel_line, click inside the rectangle, enter 20 cm in the dialog box.


  4. Draw a parallel line (knee) 57cm from the waist line.

    elect waist line, choose parallel_line, click inside the rectangle, enter 57 cm in the dialog box.


  5. Draw the fold line.

    Select the crotch line, choose tool-divide-segment, divide the line into two parts.


    Select the rectangle, choose tool-intersection_points, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click Point A (B), enter value as follows.


    Activate the front (back) piece, select tool-segment, draw the fold line.


  6. Draw waist point on side seam. Connect waist point on side seam with hip point on side seam.

    Select the waist line, choose tool-addpoint_segment, left-click Point A (B), enter value in the dialog box.


    Select tool-curve, connect point A and B, then Point C and D.


  7. Draw the front waist and front crotch.

    Select tool-point, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click Point A, enter value in the dialog box.

    Select the hip line, choose tool-segment-length, left-click Point B, enter value in the dialog box.


    Select tool-curve, connect point A and B, Point C and D; choose tool-segment, connect Point B and C.


  8. Draw the back waist and back crotch.

    Select tool-point, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows), enter value as follows.


    Select tool-curve, connect point A and B, then Point B and D.


  9. Select front center line, front side seam, back side seam and back center line, press Delete (Mac) or Backspace (Windows) key to remove segments.

    _images/pants-15.png _images/pants-16.png

  10. Modify the width of knee and cuff in front piece, and connect knee and cuff with outer side seam line and inner side seam line.

    Select the knee line, click tool-segment-length, left-click Point A, enter value in the dialog box.

    Select the cuff line, click tool-segment-length,left-click Point B, enter value in the dialog box.


    Select tool-curve, connect Point A and B, then Point E and F; select tool-segment, connect Point B and C, Point F and G.


  11. Modify the width of knee and cuff in back piece, and connect knee and cuff with outer side seam line and inner side seam line.

    Select the knee line, click tool-segment-length, left-click Point A, enter value in the dialog box.

    Select the cuff line, click tool-segment-length,left-click Point B, enter value in the dialog box.


    Select tool-segment, connect Point A and B; Point B and C; Point C and D; Point E and F; Point F and G.


    Select Segment BC, choose tool-divide-segment to divide BC into two parts; Select Segment BH, HC and EF, choose tool-curve, curve three selected segments.


  12. Select the redundant points and segments, press Delete (Mac) or Backspace (Windows) key to remove them.


  13. Draw the segment where the dart is located in the front piece.

    Select front waist line, choose tool-addpoint_segment, left-click Point A. Enter value.


    Select tool-segment, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click Point B. Enter value.


    Select the second part of the waist line, choose tool-addpoint_segment, left-click Point B. Enter value.


    Select tool-segment, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click Point C. Enter value.


  14. Draw the segment where the dart is located in the back piece.

    Select back waist line, select tool-divide-segment to divide the waist line into two part.


    Select tool-segment, hold down Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left-click Point A. Enter value.


  15. Selct front piece, click menu [Treatment] - [Pathfinder] - [Create Outlines]. Repeat the former operation for the back piece.


  16. Develop a dart by using Dart tool.

    Select the center segment of the dart, select tool-dart, click the start point of the segment. Dialog appears. Enter value.


  17. Modify the segments by using Segment Sync tool.

    Select the red lines and dart. Select tool-segment-sync. Click Point A. After modifying the segments, right click once. Repeat the former operation for the back piece.


    Select the red segment. Select tool-segment-sync, click Point A then Point B. After modifying the segment, right click once. Repeat the operation for the cuff and crotch segments.

    _images/pants-32.png _images/pants-33.png _images/pants-34.png _images/pants-35.png

  18. Check the length of the pieces by using Walking Piece.

    elect the side seams from front piece and back piece. Select tool-walking_piece. Click Point A then B. A dialog box appears after simulating sewing. Double click the value to change. Then click [OK]. Repeat the former operation for the inner side seam.

    _images/pants-36.png _images/pants-37.png

  19. Set pattern piece.

    Right-click the piece, a pull-down menu appears. Click [Set Piece From Contour] to open the window, enter desired information and click [OK].


  20. Add seam allowance.

    Select the desired segment in the pattern piece. Select tool-seam_allowance. Click the segment. Enter value.

    _images/pants-39.png _images/pants-40.png _images/pants-41.png