New cultural model

The below steps are detailed for the V6.0 version. If you are using V7.0, the steps will be slightly different.


  1. Measure out the measurement of chest, waist, and back length.

    Chest(B)= 82 cm, Waist(W)= 72 cm, Back length = 38 cm

  2. Use(B+12)÷ 2 = 47cm, back length = 38cm, to draw rectangle.

    Select tool-rectangle , hold down the Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key, left click the mouse, enter the value, click “OK”.


  3. Draw out the chest line:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select parallel_line,left click inside the rectangle, enter the vaule 20.5cm to draw out the chest line:


  4. Add points: 17.65cm from point A :

    Use tool-pointer to select the below red segments, select tool-intersection_points,hold down the Option(Mac)or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, select “Horizontally”, enter 17.65cm.


    Select tool-segment,left click point B then point C to create BC segment.


  5. Draw a parallel line 24cm from the selected line.

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select parallel_line ,left click inside the rectangle, enter the values as the below picture shows, click “ok”:


  6. Edite the center front length to 42.2cm :

    Use tool-pointer to select the center front, select tool-segment-length,left click point A, enter 42.2cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select the below red lines, press the Delete(Mac)or Backspace(Windows) key to delete them.


  7. Add point 16.45cm from point A:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment ,left click point A, enter 16.45cm.


    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point B, enter the below value:


    Select tool-segment,left click point C then point D to create CD segment.


  8. Add point 2.7cm from point A:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point A, enter 2.7cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select BC segment, select tool-divide-segment , left click BC segment, enter 2 to divide the segment into 2 equal parts.


  9. Add point 6.75cm from point A:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line , select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point A, enter 6.75cm.


    Select tool-segment,left click point B then point C to create BC segment.


  10. Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, enter the below value:


    Select tool-segment,left click point B then point C to create BC segment.


  11. Draw the front collar.

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left clicl point A, enter 6.8cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment, left click point A, enter 7.3cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select point A , hold down the Option+Command(Mac) or Alt+Ctrl(Windows) key, move the mouse back to the Pointer tool icon, left click the icon, the dialog box appears, enter the below values:


    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, enter the below values:


    Select tool-curve,left click B,C,D points one by one to create cruve BD.


  12. Draw the front shouder:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point A, enter 8 cm:


    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point B, enter the below value:


    Select tool-segment,left click point A then point C, select tool-segment-length,left click point A, enter the below value to add 1.8cm to the segment.


  13. Find out the BP point, draw the chest dart and armhole curve:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-divide-segment ,left click the selected segment, enter 2 in the dialog box to divide the segment.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point A, enter 0.7cm to gain BP point.


    Select tool-segment,left click point B then point C to create BC segment.


    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point C, enter the below value:


    Select tool-segment,left click point B then point D to create BD segment. Select tool-segment-length,left click point B to change the length to 11.731 cm. Select tool-curve,left click the 3 points that the arrows pointed.


    Use tool-pointer to select AB segment, select tool-divide-segment,enter 3 in the dialog box to divide the segment into 3 equal parts. Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point B, enter below values.


    Select tool-curve ,left click C,D,A points one by one to create AC cruve.


  14. Draw the back collar:

    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point A, enter 7cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line , select tool-divide-segment , left click the selected segment, enter 3 to divide the segment into 3 equal parts.


    Select tool-segment, hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point B, enter the below value.


    Select tool-segment ,left click point A then point C to create AC segment. Select tool-curve ,left click AC segment and drag it to be cruve shape as the below picture shows.


  15. Draw the back shoulder line and shoulder dart.

    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, enter the below value.


    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point B, enter the below value.


    Select tool-segment,left click point A then point C to create AC segment, left click point A to change the segment length into 12.18cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point D, enter 1cm.


    Select tool-segment, hold down the Shift key,draw a perpendicular line from point E intersects with the shoulder line. Select tool003, left click the intersection to add a crosspoint.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point F, enter 1.5cm.


    Use tool-pointer to select the red line, select tool-addpoint_segment,left click point G, enter 1.76cm.


    Select tool-segment,left click point E then point G to create EG segment.


  16. Create back armhole cruve.

    Select tool-segment,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, enter below value.


    Select tool-curve,to create BC cruve: left click point B then mid of BC. Create CE cruve:left click C, D, E points one by one.


  17. Use tool-pointer to select the redundant points and lines, press the Delete(Mac)or Backspace(Windows) key to delete them.


  18. Create the dart line of waist dart.

    Create A, B, D points first: select tool-point ,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point F, enter -1cm in the “X distance” column, click “OK” to create point A. Similarly, left click point G, enter -1cm in the “X distance” column to create point B. Similarly, left click point B, enter 1.5cm in the “X distance” column to create point D.

    Select tool-segment,hold down the Shift key, left click point A, move the cursor to hem and then left click the hem line, then you can get AA1 segment. Same to create BB1, CC1, DD2, EE1 segments.

    Select tool003, left click the intersection which the arrow pointed to add a crosspoint.


  19. Create B, D, F points:

    Select tool-point ,hold down the Option(Mac) or Alt(Windows) key, left click point A, enter 2cm in “Y Distance” column, click “OK” to create point B. Similarly, left click point C, enter -1cm in “Y Distance” column to create point D. Similarly, left click point E, enter -2.5cm in “Y Distance” column to create point F.


  20. Use tool-pointer to select the redundant lines and points, press Delete(Mac) or Backspace(Windows) key to delete them. Then select the whole piece, click menu [Treatment]→[Pathfinder]→[Create Outline].


  21. Use Dart tool to create darts:

    Use tool-pointer to select the dart line, select tool-dart,left click the dart point, the dialog box appears, enter the below value, click “OK” to create dart a. Use the same mathod to create dart b, d, e.


  22. Add points and create lines:

    Select tool-addpoint_segment , left click point C, enter 0.45cm to create point D (E); same steps to enter 0.6cm to create point B.


    Select tool-segment,left click point A then point B to create AB segment, same steps to create CD, CE segments.
